Sunday, June 27, 2010

Z99.1 ASL Poetry

Yanks don't always have to be Gung Ho , but when the Rising Sun crests the horizon it's nice to get a Paratrooper or A GI's Dozen across the river.

Meanwhile, in the heat of the desert the Hollow Legions that are West of Alamein will surely face to the blokes chanting For King and Country.

Some survivors from the Doomed Battalions will rightly receive their Croix de Guerre while others will fade away to become Partisans helping to shape the Turning Tide.

However, most of the action that will lead to either Armies of Oblivion or heroics Beyond Valor will begin in Streets of Fire and ultimately end in Hedgerow Hell either in Normandy or the East Front where A Few Will Return from A Decade of War.

Unlocking memories that were lost and gathering dust Out of the Attic by the Squad Leader, the General and others who gained the Cross of Iron or were lost in the Crescendo of Doom or the gathering chaos in the GI Anvil of Victory and Red Army's Valor of the Guards.

Let us Advanced Squad Leader players pay tribute to the fallen and toast the deeds of yester year.

written on this day of 22 June at 3:05 pm by Don Lazov

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